
Friday 11 June 2010

My little running boy

When baby Shane Rees was born his mum Ceri didn't think he would walk let alone run.
It had been tough enough as Shane's dad was killed in a car accident just two months before Shane was born.
His dad had been a sports fan, had talked about how he'd teach his son to play football and rugby.
But now with club feet it looked like baby Shane would struggle to walk.
The little boy went through gruelling treatment to straight his legs and cut tendons. As the years went past his feet started to change shape, looked more normal. He needed special shoes with inserts but he started walking normally too.
Last September he started school and Ceri was worried about how he'd cope.
But a few months later teachers phoned Ceri at home. They were having problems with Shane. They couldn’t stop him running. Ceri didn’t know whether to be angry or overjoyed.
Every afternoon Shane suddenly jumps to his feet in class and runs out. He sprints around the playing fields again and again and then around the hall. Teachers can’t catch him, just wait until he’s got it out of his system and then take him back to class.
Ceri, who’s 32, said: “I think if he carries on like this his dad’s dream could come true after all – perhaps one day he’ll score a try for Wales. He’s been through so much that just to see him walking, let alone running is a miracle.”

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