
Thursday 17 June 2010

I lost 13 stone in 12 months!

Harriet Jenkins had always known she was big, she squeezed in to size 28 clothes, could hardly walk let alone run and had to cope with jeers and taunts when she was out in public.
Harriet, now 24, even used to read stories in magazines about women who’d changed their lives by losing weight, but she thought that she’d got too big to diet, would never be able to change.
She’d binge on family bars of Dairy Milk and Galaxy, wolf down packets of sugary sweets and hide crisps and biscuits in her room.
Then she finally realised she was killing herself and joined a Slimming Club she was left shell shocked when she found out how much she actually weighed – 26 and a half stone.
Harriet, from Southampton, said: “I knew I was big, but because our family scales didn’t go up any higher than 20 stone I didn’t realise how heavy I was. It was the biggest wakeup call of my life.”
Now Harriet, who’s 5ft 9ins, has shed 13 stone in just 12 months through diet, exercise and sheer determination - and she’s changed her life forever.
She said: "Its been tough, but really worth it. I lost all that weight without a gastric band or bypass, I did it for me and I feel really proud of myself."

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