
Thursday 12 May 2011

I've lost nearly 30 stone in weight

Sophie thought her life was over. Weighing 40 stone she was a virtual prisoner in her own home. Her boyfriend had become her carer and her weight meant she couldn't have the family that she'd always dreamed of.

Doctors warned her she was killing herself  but diets and tablets all failed. Surgery could kill her but she realised if she didn't then she woudl be dead anyhow.
A team at University College London agreed to carry out the risky proceedure and the gastric band was fitted.
Sophie got used to eating egg-cup size amounts and in just two years she's lost an incredible TWENTY NINE STONES in weight.

She goes to the gym three times a week and her relationship with her boyfriend is incredible.

But its even more of a dream come true. Sophie's given birth to gorgeous twins.

Sophie, who's 36, said: "Three years ago time was running out. Now I'm a different woman and my dreams have come true. I want other women to know that it’s never too late."

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