
Tuesday 15 March 2011

I’m the only great grandpa who’s become a great grandma

Rose White doesn’t attract a second glance in the street. She’s just a normal pensioner getting in her shopping.
But until January of this year Rose was Melvin, a man. He’d lived a lie all his life before realising it was now or never. At the age of 63 he went through a six-hour sex change operation.
Melvin knew from when he was little that he wasn’t like other boys. He wanted to hold tea parties and pick flowers. When he was 14 he wrote a letter to his family doctor saying, `I’m not a proper boy, can you cure me?’ The doctor turned up at his house, but took one look at Melvin, bottled it and ran out of the door.
After that Melvin tried to live as a man. Worked as an engineer, even married. but it only lasted three months. They did have a daughter though who he remained close to, a granddaughter and very recently a great-granddaughter.
Throughout his life he’s been tormented and bullied for his feminine ways and has never found `Mr Right’ to settle down with.
He thought he could never do anything to change his life until he finally got a computer and started chatting to other transsexuals online. They encouraged him to fight for his happiness.
In 2007 doctors agreed and Melvin started living as Rose to start on the gender reassignment process. She was forced out of her home by neighbours, but was still determined.
She had to wait for the sex change operation, but in the meantime paid out for a boob job and nose job to make sure she looked the part.
Rose’s 92-year-old mum remembered the day the doctor ran out of the house in 1961, although she’d never known why, and has supported her all the way.
Finally in January Rose underwent the six hour operation to remove her male bits and build a vagina from a piece of her colon.
Now Rose is healing nicely and can’t wait to find Mr Right and finally live life as a woman after so long.
Rose, who’s almost 64, said: “I want people to know it’s never too late to find happiness. I think I’m the only great granddad in Britain to have the operation. Now I’m finally who I’ve waited all my life to be.”

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