
Friday 25 March 2011

He stole my heart when I was four, but it’s taken 18 years to get together

Cheryl and Jordan sobbed until they thought their hearts would break. They might only be seven years old, but they were in love. Now Jordan’s mummy had news that had left them devastated and she’d waited until the last day of school to tell them. Jordan’s family were moving to another town.
The two had been sweethearts since they were four years old. They’d done everything together and even shared innocent kisses.
After that no one could take the place of Jordan. Cheryl picked countless wrong blokes and still looked at the photos of her lost love wondering what had happened to him. She’d tried searching for him online but never found him.
She went on to have a son with her partner but when she fell pregnant again the relationship finally died a death. Cheryl was facing life as a single mum. Her daughter was beautiful and she and her mum arranged a christening for her in December 2010 and hired a local pub’s function room for a special get together afterwards. It was a perfect day and Cheryl and a friend popped out to the main bar to get a drink. She gazed around the bar until she stared at a bloke. It couldn’t be? It had to be? No!
She sidled around the bar for a closer look. It had to be him!
She couldn’t stop herself and went and tapped him on the back. He looked at her blankly.
“It’s Cheryl.” She said.
Suddenly the penny dropped and he just stared. They had so much to talk about, so much to say. Jordan had been passing through, had just popped in with a mate for a drink. He didn’t live or work locally.
Cheryl explained why she was there, asked him to come into the function room.
She grabbed her mum. “Guess who!” she said. Her mum just stared blankly.
“It’s Jordan.” Her mum’s face was a picture too, she just couldn’t believe it.
Jordan and Cheryl have just got engaged and are to marry next year.
Cheryl, who’s 22, said: “I last saw Jordan when he was seven but yet I recognised him straight away. I keep pinching myself to make sure it’s real and we’re never going to lose each other again.”

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